Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite 5.0.36 Portable | 27 Mb
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite 5.0.36 Portable
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite adalah kombinasi sempurna dari Aiseesoft DVD Ripper, Aiseesoft Total Video Converter dan Aiseesoft Transfer iPod ke Komputer. Dengan kuat DVD Converter Suite, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengkonversi DVD dan video ke semua format populer: MP4, H.264, AVI, MP3, WMV, WMA, FLV, MKV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, 3GP, 3GPP, VOB, DivX, Mov, RM, RMVB, M4A, AAC, WAV, dll, mengekstrak audio dari film DVD atau file video dan mengkonversikannya ke M4A, MP3, AC3, AAC, WMA, WAV, OGG, transfer lagu dan video dari iPod / iPhone ke PC dengan kecepatan konversi super cepat dan gambar yang baik dan kualitas suara.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite mendukung hampir semua perangkat portabel, seperti: PSP, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone (3G), iPhone, Zune, Zune 2, Blackberry, Nokia, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox, iPAQ, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, dll Anda dapat menikmati DVD favorit dan file video pada mereka.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite memiliki fungsi editing film kuat joiner film, pemotong film dan tanaman film bagi Anda menyunting film. Hal ini juga memungkinkan Anda untuk menyesuaikan pengaturan termasuk video dan audio bitrate, resolusi, frame rate, dll Anda juga dapat memilih lagu audio dan subtitle dari DVD untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anda.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite sangat user-friendly dan mudah digunakan, Anda dapat mengkonversi DVD video ke format video dan audio berbagai, dan mentransfer lagu dari iPod / iPhone ke PC dengan hanya dengan beberapa klik mouse untuk Anda. Free download berharga Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite, menikmati hidup indah digital Anda.
Fungsi tombol
* Convert DVD dan setiap video / audio ke berbagai video / audio format
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite perangkat lunak dapat dengan mudah mengkonversi DVD dan setiap video ke berbagai video / audio format seperti MP4, H.264, AVI, MP3, WMV, WMA, FLV, MKV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, 3GP, 3GPP , VOB, DivX, Mov, RM, RMVB, M4A, AAC, WAV, dll
* Mendukung hampir semua pemain portabel populer
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite perangkat lunak dapat mengkonversi DVD dan video ke semua perangkat populer: PSP, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone (3G), iPhone, iPhone 4, iPad, Zune, Zune 2, Blackberry, Nokia, Creative Zen , Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox, iPAQ, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, dll
* Transfer lagu dan video dari iPod / iPhone ke PC
Dengan mudah bisa mentransfer lagu Anda dan video dari iPod / iPhone ke PC, maka Anda dapat membackup video atau lagu, anda juga bisa mentransfer mereka ke iPod atau iPhone melalui perangkat lunak transfer iPhone.
* Mudah dan kuat mengedit fungsi (Gabung, Trim, Tanaman, Watermark)
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite menawarkan fungsi-fungsi perangkat lunak pengeditan kuat seperti penggabungan beberapa bab DVD, judul atau berbeda file video ke dalam satu file, pemangkasan setiap klip video atau DVD, tanam ukuran video, menambahkan watermark untuk video output dan sebagainya.
* Mengatur efek video
Mendapatkan kualitas video yang diinginkan Anda dengan memodifikasi video Brightness, Contrast, Saturasi. Dengan itu, Anda juga dapat menerapkan standar Anda dimodifikasi untuk semua film.
Fitur Utama
* Dapatkan kualitas disesuaikan untuk meletakkan video dikonversi pada pemutar
Menetapkan pengaturan video, sehingga Anda dapat mengatur Video Encoder, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate, Resolusi.
Adapun Resolusi, jika Anda tidak menemukan apa yang Anda inginkan, Anda tersedia untuk masukan resolusi Anda sendiri dalam Lebar (pixel) * Tinggi (piksel).
Tetapkan pengaturan audio, termasuk Audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Saluran, Audio Bitrate.
Semua setting dapat disimpan dalam daftar pilihan "User-Defined".
* Meningkatkan efek interlace video dengan menggunakan deinterlacing
Converter Suite DVD ini memiliki teknik untuk menghilangkan beberapa jaggedness dari video interlace untuk melihat lebih baik.
* Preview efek video bila Anda mengelolanya
Dengan Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite, ia menyediakan preview video asli dan preview video output, Anda dapat melihat efek video bila Anda mengelolanya.
* Convert video ke gambar
Jika Anda menyukai gambar ini dari video Anda dapat menggunakan "Snapshot" pilihan Cukup klik "Snapshot" tombol gambar akan disimpan dalam format GIF, JPEG, BMP,. Dan Anda bisa klik "Open" tombol di samping "Snapshot" tombol untuk membuka gambar Anda.
* Mudah digunakan
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite sangat user-friendly dan mudah digunakan. Hanya beberapa klik untuk menyelesaikan konversi dengan pengawasan seluruh proses real time.
* Kecepatan Tercepat Konversi
Menyediakan kecepatan konversi tercepat (> 300%), benar-benar mendukung CPU dual core.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite is the perfect combination of Aiseesoft DVD Ripper, Aiseesoft Total Video Converter and Aiseesoft iPod to Computer Transfer. With these powerful DVD Converter Suite, you can easily convert DVD and video to all the popular formats: MP4, H.264, AVI, MP3, WMV, WMA, FLV, MKV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, 3GP, 3GPP, VOB, DivX, Mov, RM, RMVB, M4A, AAC, WAV, etc, extract audio from DVD movie or video file and convert them to M4A, MP3, AC3, AAC, WMA, WAV, OGG, transfer songs and video from iPod/iPhone to PC with super fast conversion speed and excellent image and sound quality.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite supports almost all the portable devices, such as: PSP, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone (3G), iPhone, Zune, Zune 2, Blackberry, Nokia, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox, iPAQ, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, etc. You can enjoy your favorite DVD and video files on them.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite has strong movie editing functions of movie joiner, movie cutter and movie crop for you to edit your movie. It also allows you to customize the settings including video and audio bitrate, resolution, frame rate, etc. You can also choose the audio track and subtitle of DVD to meet your needs.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite is very user-friendly and easy to use, you can convert DVD an video to various video and audio formats, and transfer songs from iPod/iPhone to PC with just a few clicks for you mouse. Free download valuable Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite, enjoy your wonderful digital life.
Key Functions
* Convert DVD and any video/audio to the various video/audio formats
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite software could easily convert DVD and any video to the various video/audio formats such as MP4, H.264, AVI, MP3, WMV, WMA, FLV, MKV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, 3GP, 3GPP, VOB, DivX, Mov, RM, RMVB, M4A, AAC, WAV, etc.
* Support almost all popular portable players
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite software can convert DVD and video to all the popular devices: PSP, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone (3G), iPhone, iPhone 4, iPad, Zune, Zune 2, Blackberry, Nokia, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox, iPAQ, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, etc.
* Transfer songs and video from iPod/iPhone to PC
It could easily transfer your songs and video from iPod/iPhone to PC, then you can backup the videos or songs, you also could transfer them to another iPod or iPhone through the iPhone transfer software.
* Easy and powerful editing function (Merge, Trim, Crop, Watermark)
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite software offers powerful editing functions such as merging multiple DVD chapters, titles or different videos files into one file, trimming any clip of video or DVD, cropping video size, add watermark for output videos and so forth.
* Set video effect
Get your desired video quality by modifying video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation. With it, you also can apply your modified standard to all the movies.
Key Features
* Get adjustable quality to put converted video on player
Define video settings, so you can set the Video Encoder, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate, Resolution.
As for the Resolution, if you don’t find what you want, you are available to input your own resolution in Width(pixels) * Height(pixels).
Set audio settings, including Audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Channels, Audio Bitrate.
All the settings can be saved in the option list of "User-Defined”.
* Improve the effects of interlacing video by using deinterlacing
This DVD Converter Suite owns the technique to eliminate some jaggedness from the interlacing video for better viewing.
* Preview video effect when you manage it
With Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite, it provides the original video preview and output video preview, you can see the video effect when you manage it.
* Convert video to picture
If you like the current image of the video you can use the "Snapshot” option. Just click the "Snapshot” button the image will be saved in the format of GIF, JPEG, BMP, and you can click the "Open” button next to "Snapshot” button to open your picture.
* Easy to use
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite is very user-friendly and easy to use. Only a few clicks to complete the conversion with supervising the whole process on real time.
* Fastest Conversion Speed
Provide the fastest conversion speed (>300%), completely support dual core CPU.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite supports almost all the portable devices, such as: PSP, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone (3G), iPhone, Zune, Zune 2, Blackberry, Nokia, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox, iPAQ, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, etc. You can enjoy your favorite DVD and video files on them.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite has strong movie editing functions of movie joiner, movie cutter and movie crop for you to edit your movie. It also allows you to customize the settings including video and audio bitrate, resolution, frame rate, etc. You can also choose the audio track and subtitle of DVD to meet your needs.
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite is very user-friendly and easy to use, you can convert DVD an video to various video and audio formats, and transfer songs from iPod/iPhone to PC with just a few clicks for you mouse. Free download valuable Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite, enjoy your wonderful digital life.
Key Functions
* Convert DVD and any video/audio to the various video/audio formats
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite software could easily convert DVD and any video to the various video/audio formats such as MP4, H.264, AVI, MP3, WMV, WMA, FLV, MKV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, 3GP, 3GPP, VOB, DivX, Mov, RM, RMVB, M4A, AAC, WAV, etc.
* Support almost all popular portable players
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite software can convert DVD and video to all the popular devices: PSP, iPod Classic, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPhone (3G), iPhone, iPhone 4, iPad, Zune, Zune 2, Blackberry, Nokia, Creative Zen, Sony Walkman, iRiver PMP, Archos, PS3, Apple TV, Xbox, iPAQ, Pocket PC, Mobile Phone, etc.
* Transfer songs and video from iPod/iPhone to PC
It could easily transfer your songs and video from iPod/iPhone to PC, then you can backup the videos or songs, you also could transfer them to another iPod or iPhone through the iPhone transfer software.
* Easy and powerful editing function (Merge, Trim, Crop, Watermark)
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite software offers powerful editing functions such as merging multiple DVD chapters, titles or different videos files into one file, trimming any clip of video or DVD, cropping video size, add watermark for output videos and so forth.
* Set video effect
Get your desired video quality by modifying video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation. With it, you also can apply your modified standard to all the movies.
Key Features
* Get adjustable quality to put converted video on player
Define video settings, so you can set the Video Encoder, Frame Rate, Video Bitrate, Resolution.
As for the Resolution, if you don’t find what you want, you are available to input your own resolution in Width(pixels) * Height(pixels).
Set audio settings, including Audio Encoder, Sample Rate, Channels, Audio Bitrate.
All the settings can be saved in the option list of "User-Defined”.
* Improve the effects of interlacing video by using deinterlacing
This DVD Converter Suite owns the technique to eliminate some jaggedness from the interlacing video for better viewing.
* Preview video effect when you manage it
With Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite, it provides the original video preview and output video preview, you can see the video effect when you manage it.
* Convert video to picture
If you like the current image of the video you can use the "Snapshot” option. Just click the "Snapshot” button the image will be saved in the format of GIF, JPEG, BMP, and you can click the "Open” button next to "Snapshot” button to open your picture.
* Easy to use
Aiseesoft DVD Converter Suite is very user-friendly and easy to use. Only a few clicks to complete the conversion with supervising the whole process on real time.
* Fastest Conversion Speed
Provide the fastest conversion speed (>300%), completely support dual core CPU.
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